泉州信息工程学院 分享
基本介绍 泉州信息工程学院是经教育部批准成立的全日制应用型本科院校。 学校地处国家首批历史文化名城、东亚文化之都、海上丝绸之路起点—泉州市市区,与中国闽台缘博物馆、泉州博物馆、西湖公园相隔咫尺。学校建设园林式校园,四季飘香,开窗即景,古树名木随处可见,校园绿化率70%以上,是“泉州市最美单位庭院绿化”。 学校坚持“面向产业、服务地方”,以工为主,工、经、管、艺等多学科协调发展;现开设31个本科专业;下设电子与通信工程学院、机械与电气工程学院、软件学院、创意设计学院、土木工程学院、经济与管理学院、国际教育学院、马克思主义学院等8个学院及通识教育中心,并成立人工智能、ICT、跨境电商、智能制造等4个产业学院。 学校坚持“立德树人”根本任务,坚持“质量立校”发展理念,秉承“知行合一”校训,着力构筑产教融合的应用型创新人才培养平台,将创新创业教育融入人才培养全过程,致力于培养德智体美劳全面发展的“实基础、强能力、能创新、高素质”的高级应用型人才。 学校荣获“全国职业教育先进单位”“全国第一批教育信息化试点优秀单位”“第六届全国黄炎培职业教育优秀学校”等称号。获得2项国家教学成果二等奖、2项福建省教学成果特等奖、1项一等奖、3项二等奖。取得示范性应用型专业群、特色学科、教学团队、科技创新团队、“双一流”专业、服务产业特色专业、双创教改试点专业、“双一流”课程、精品课程、精品资源共享课程等一批省级以上教学质量与教学改革工程成果。 学校强化实践教学对应用型人才的培养作用,建有国家增材制造创新中心福建应用中心、增材制造国家研究院福建应用技术研究院、教育部—中兴通讯ICT产教融合创新基地、卢秉恒院士工作站、4个福建省高校重点实验室、3个福建省高校工程研究中心、2个福建省高校人文社科基地、1个福建省协同创新中心等科技创新研究平台;建设了包括中央财政、省财政支持、省级示范性校企共建、泉州市产业实训基地、泉州市智能制造公共实训基地等11个实训基地,及福建省实验教学示范中心、虚拟仿真实验教学中心和等一批教学实验室;建成1万余平方米大学生创新创业(孵化)基地,是国家双创示范基地示范点、福建省首批大学生创新创业园、高校毕业生创业孵化基地、泉州市众创空间。此外,还与德国博世力士乐、费斯托集团、西门子、中兴通讯股份有限公司等198家国内外知名企业建立产学研合作基地;牵头组建了泉州市信息、机械、智能制造职教集团、泉州市智能制造职业院校联盟。 学校坚持开放式办学,目前已与多个国家和地区的30多所高校建立了合作交流关系,实现多方面、多层次、多形式、多领域引进和共享优质国际教育教学资源。与美国宾州滑石大学合作开展“中美4+0联合培养双学位项目”;与乌克兰、匈牙利多所高校开展“国际本升硕绿色通道”。与德国莱法州教育学院共建中德(福建)教育合作与发展中心,推动中德在人才培养、师资培训、产教融合及科研创新等方面的合作,是教育部备案的优质省级师资培训基地。 泉州信息工程学院成长在泉州的文化沃土上,洋溢着泉州的蓬勃朝气,承载着区域经济社会的发展使命。学校将以建设特色鲜明的高水平应用型本科高校为目标,全面提升办学水平,努力开创更加辉煌灿烂的明天。 (截至2020年2月29日)  Brief Introduction to Quanzhou University of Information Engineering Quanzhou University of Information Engineering is a full-time applied undergraduate university approved by the China Education Ministry.      Located in the center of the Quanzhou city, the first national historical and cultural city, the city of East Asian Culture, the starting point of Maritime Silk Road. It is surrounded by beautiful scenery like Fujian-Taiwan Kinship Museum, Quanzhou museum, and West Lake Park. It is like a garden with various trees everywhere, which is regarded as the most beautiful green unit in Quanzhou.      The school adheres to the principle of “facing the industry and serving the local economy”. Now the school offers 31 undergraduate programs. The programs primary focus on engineering, secondary focus on economy management and creative design. There are eight main teaching units: School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, School of software, School of Creative Design, School of Economy and Management, School of Civil Engineering College, School of International Education and General Education Center, and four industrial schools have been established, including ICT, Huashu intelligent manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and cross-border e-commerce.      Since its establishment, QUIE has upheld the direction of running school for non-profit, and has carried forward the motto of “knowledge and action as one” and the principle of “moral makes a man and quality make a school”. It strives to build the innovative talent training platform to carry out the combination of learning and practicing, integrate innovation and entrepreneurship education into the whole process of talent training, and nurture application-oriented talents with solid theory foundation, strong practice ability, good sense of innovation and high personal quality.      Recent years have witnessed remarkable achievements in our school’s education quality. QUIE was awarded the title of "National Advanced Unit of Vocational Education" and "National First Pilot Excellent Unit of Education Informationization". We have won 2 second prizes of national teaching achievement, 2 special prizes, 1 first prize and 3 second prizes of Fujian teaching achievement. A total of 923 students participated in all kinds of national and provincial competitions and won 350 prizes. It has obtained several achievements in teaching quality and teaching reform projects above the provincial level, including model applied professional groups, special disciplines, teaching teams, science and technology innovation teams.      The school has strengthened the role of practical teaching in cultivating application-oriented talent, built the Fujian Application Center of National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Center, Fujian Applied Technology Research Institute of National Research Institute of Additive Manufacturing, Ministry of Education - ZTE ICT Innovation Base, Workstation of Academician Lu Bingheng; four key laboratories, three engineering research centers, 2 humanities and social science bases of Fujian province; QUIE have co-constructed 11 training bases with enterprises supported by the central finance and provincial finance, one training base jointly built by model schools and enterprises, three experimental teaching demonstration centers of Fujian province, two virtual simulation experimental teaching centers of Fujian province and a batch of teaching laboratories and training bases such as Quanzhou intelligent manufacturing public training base. There are 12000 square meters of College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Park. To develop the model of integrating production, teaching, and research to established cooperation base with 198 domestic and foreign famous enterprises such as Bosch Rexroth, Festo Group, Siemens, ZTE Corporation. QUIE also leads to the formation of Quanzhou City Information, Machinery, Intelligent Manufacturing Vocational Education Group, and Quanzhou City Intelligent Manufacturing Vocational College Alliance.      QUIE focus on its openness in running school and built up a friendly relationship and cooperation with over 30 collages and university from the globe. The school also pays attention to the introduction and sharing of high-quality international education and teaching resources. At present, it has cooperated with Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania to carry out the “Sino-Us 4+0 Joint Double Degree Program (Software Engineering Major)”, it has carried out the “Bridge Program (undergraduate to graduate) " with a number of universities in Ukraine, Hungary, and the implementation has been smooth. QUIE has been working with the German Rheinland-Pfalz Institute of Education closely and built the Sino-German (Fujian) Education Cooperation and Development Center together. This center main goal is to promote Sino-German cooperation in talent cultivation, teacher training, integration of industry and education, and scientific research and innovation, it is a high-quality provincial teacher training base admitted by the Ministry of Education.      Based in Quanzhou city, the school is committed to boost the development of regional economy. With the goal of building a high-level application-oriented university with distinctive characteristics, the school will make relentless effort to promoting its ability to running school and strive to create a more brilliant tomorrow. (February 29, 2020)